June Star Doll of the Month

Name & Number?
HellaMental, 83
When did you start roller derby?
I started in the new skater intake in September 2016.
How did you become involved in roller derby?
About six years ago, one of my friends tried to get me involved in roller derby but I never gave it a chance; I think my initial reaction was being scared and I never gave it another thought. It was only a number of years later that I decided I needed a hobby that had community around it and more than just me running on my own. Belter was my inspiration to get into roller derby.
What is your skating/other sport background?
Apart from roller skating as a child, I didn’t have much more experience than that before starting roller derby.
In high school I was quite into volleyball and badminton and continued to do higher P.E but didn’t carry it on any further after leaving school. In 2012 I took up running, using the Couch to 5K program; I thought I would never be able to get past running for longer than two minutes together haha. It did, of course, eventually get easier and I managed to rope my friend Heather into working towards a wee 5k fun run later that year. From 2012 to 2015 I’ve managed a range of distances from 5k to a marathon, the latter being a major achievement for me.
Favourite motivational quote?
I am quite partial to “Just Do It” but “This Girl Can” has resonated with me a lot over the past year or so.
Preferred position on track?
I’m still unsure about this at the moment. I still feel like I’m finding my feet in where I feel confident in a pack situation. I get nervous both as a jammer and a blocker. Once I’ve done it a few times though, I relax a bit and I do secret love jamming. Still got tons to learn!
Best derby moment?
I think this is still yet to happen for me.
Has playing roller derby taught you anything?
It has taught me that your team will always have your back on and off the track; it is a wonderful thing to be a part of. I am also stronger than I think I am and in turn it has helped me deal with depression and anxiety and it’s a great way to keep fit!
Derby hero?
A local hero: Purely Belter :). I’ve watched her from her first bout to where she is now. My inspiration. Every member of LDD has helped me get me to where I am now. Love you all!
Do you have any roles within the league and how has this been of benefit to both the league and yourself personally?
I have recently become part of the RANSO committee and will hopefully be helping coach the intermediate skaters. This will definitely help me with my shyness and fear of speaking in front of lots of people!
What is your job?
Pharmacy technician.
Have you ever been injured through playing derby?
Apart from falling on my coccyx twice during fresh meat (so sore!), I’ve thankfully never had a serious injury.
Any advice for a new skater?
Keep going, keep practicing. Every skater will have that moment where they can’t get passed a certain skill. Break it down further, get different perspectives on it. You will get there. You’ll always have support from your league.
How long did it take you to pass min skills?
I think my minimum skills journey took me seven to eight months to complete and only recently too. It was the 27 in 5 that was my nemesis!