March Star Doll of the Month – Stormer
March’s Doll of the Month
Hi there! Let us introduce you to the league. As a little treat especially for you, each month we will quiz one of our members about their derby journey and what it means to them. We have one of newest bouting skaters for you…
Name & Number?
Stormer, 58
When did you start roller derby?
Feb 2016
How did you become involved in roller derby?
I was at a roller disco with my kids and Rox (I didn’t know her at the time) gave me a flyer. I emailed and found out about fresh meat.
What is your skating/other sport background?
Skating background was zero (except the occasional roller disco!). I have done a fair bit of cycling (mountain biking). My biggest achievement was doing the 7 Stanes* in 4 days for charity. Way out of my comfort zone but a brilliant experience. I’ve also competed in a cyclo-cross race which was mental. Imagine Motocross on bicycles!
Favorite motivational quote?
Its not a quote as such but I was reading The Ultimate Mental Toughness Guide, and there was a bit that said basically mental toughness isn’t a replacement for physical conditioning and skills. That definitely motivated me to start doing more off skates training. It’s vital to be mentally tough but you need the fitness and skills to back it up. I’m sure it was worded better in the book!
Preferred position on track?
Best derby moment?
When Psycho told me I had made the team for ARRGmageddon! I had been training twice a week and going to Fresh Meat as well (which gave me the chance to get my 27/5!). It had been really hard to fit all those sessions in, on top of work and family commitments but it was definitely worth it! I thought she might be going to ask if I could man the merchandise stall!! I remember giving Dice a lift home that night and we had a wee Del-boy and Rodney moment in the car!
Has playing roller derby taught you anything about yourself, others, physical mental etc?
That anybody can do anything! When I started fresh meat I set myself a goal to get 27/5 by the end of 2016, I never imagined I could have achieved that AND made the team!
Derby hero?
This is hard. I don’t have a specific person in mind. I’m still so in awe of anyone who knows what they’re doing in this game, whether that’s watching the best players online or watching my team in scrims!
Do you have any roles within the league and how has this been of benefit to both the league and yourself personally?
I am in 2 committees – events and new skaters. I love it! Its a great way to get to know other LDD members better and to get to know how things are done. With Events I helped arrange our end of year extravaganza in November which was an amazing night, and we have big plans for this year so watch this space. On the New Skater committee I have taken over monitoring our emails, so if anyone sends in an inquiry I’m the one who gets back to them. I really enjoy it, and hope that I’m giving people the same warm welcome I received! I hope I haven’t frightened anybody off!
What is your job?
Education Welfare Officer.
Have you ever been injured through playing derby?
Not yet!
Any advice for a new skater?
Ask questions, and don’t be concerned about making a fool of yourself and practice as much as you can! Oh, and falling means you’re trying 🙂 One last thing – believe people when they say they used to be rubbish – I always used to think people just said that to make me feel better!
How long did it take you to pass min skills?
I don’t know exactly? but I guess 8 or 9 months.