
Aly-Lou Yeah We Have A New Referee

We here at Lothian Derby Dolls and Fear and Lothian are very happy to introduce our new referee Aly-Lou Yeah.  LDD and F&L have been supported by Toot but as the only ref in the league it has been difficult to develop opportunities.  With Aly joining us now we have a chance to build on…
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Sneak-a-chu – 1630

Why Sneak-a-chu? I’m a big fan of Pokémon! Why 1630? This is Buffy’s house number and I’m a huge fan of Buffy (and clearly a massive geek). What stickers are on your helmet? I have a Haunter Pokémon sticker and a couple of team stickers. Also one from 5th Blocker, my fave skate shop! Hardest minimum skill? Transitions took…
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